When TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas beneficiaries are referred for overseas care, they are referred to one of International SOS’ Network Providers.
<p>{color=#033787;fontsize=16:<strong>IMPORTANT NOTE: </strong>If you are unable to find a provider near you using this search tool, please <a href="http://www.tricare-overseas.com/contact-us" target="_blank"><strong>contact</strong></a> your TOP Regional Call Center for additional support.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Getting Care in Canada:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{fontsize=16:<a href="https://tricare.mil/overseasdirectories" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:for more information on obtaining care in Canada under TRICARE.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>TRICARE Covered Services Search Tool:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{fontsize=16:<a href="https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:to access the TRICARE Covered Services Search Tool and learn more about what health care services are covered under TRICARE.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Active Duty Dental Program: TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas ADSMs:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16:After May 1, 2022, TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas ADSMs will receive their dental care from United Concordia Companies, Inc. (UCCI) under the TRICARE Active Duty Dental Program.} {fontsize=16:<a href="https://tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries/resources/dental-resources" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:for more information.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Providers:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16:For a listing of ABA Providers authorized and certified to deliver care overseas,} {fontsize=16;downloaddocs=/beneficiaries/tco-media/documents/TOP-ABA-Provider-Directory-September-2024:click here.} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:The listing includes hours of operation, beneficiary age(s) served, telehealth capabilities, and ABA session settings available.}</p>
<p>{color=#033787;fontsize=16:<strong>IMPORTANT NOTE: </strong>If you are unable to find a provider near you using this search tool, please <a href="http://www.tricare-overseas.com/contact-us" target="_blank"><strong>contact</strong></a> your TOP Regional Call Center for additional support.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Getting Care in Canada:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{fontsize=16:<a href="https://tricare.mil/overseasdirectories" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:for more information on obtaining care in Canada under TRICARE.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>TRICARE Covered Services Search Tool:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{fontsize=16:<a href="https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:to access the TRICARE Covered Services Search Tool and learn more about what health care services are covered under TRICARE.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Active Duty Dental Program: TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas ADSMs:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16:After May 1, 2022, TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas ADSMs will receive their dental care from United Concordia Companies, Inc. (UCCI) under the TRICARE Active Duty Dental Program.} {fontsize=16:<a href="https://tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries/resources/dental-resources" target="_blank">Click here</a>} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:for more information.}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16;fontweight=500:<strong><u>Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Providers:</u></strong>}</p>
<p>{color=#00b050;fontsize=16:For a listing of ABA Providers authorized and certified to deliver care overseas,} {fontsize=16;downloaddocs=/beneficiaries/tco-media/documents/TOP-ABA-Provider-Directory-September-2024:click here.} {color=#00b050;fontsize=16:The listing includes hours of operation, beneficiary age(s) served, telehealth capabilities, and ABA session settings available.}</p>
TRICARE Select Overseas in the Philippines
<p>{fontsize=15;fontweight=400:Beneficiaries who live or travel in the Philippines are required to see a certified provider for care. TRICARE Select Overseas beneficiaries who reside in the Philippines and seek care within the designated Philippine locations are encouraged to see a TRICARE Preferred Provider.}</p>Learn More
Important Overseas Health Care Disclaimer & Referral / Authorization Guidelines:
<p><u>TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas Beneficiaries:</u></p>
<p>International SOS won’t authorize medical care determined not to meet internationally recognized and accepted standards. If you choose to get overseas medical care against recommendations or from an overseas civilian provider not published on this list, there are associated risks and your claim will be denied (if ADSM) or processed under the Point-of-Service (POS) option (if ADFM). For more information about the point of service option, please visit: <a href="https://usg02.safelinks.protection.office365.us/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tricare.mil%2Fpointofservice&data=04%7C01%7C%7C7adf57a10ef3430daa0008d9661d7e74%7Cf538b4d389b14457912d97c9c02e4841%7C0%7C0%7C637653099134478333%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=7VT5h7pXa21B66gzPNsc9p%2F%2FDKolmmymBK4TmR%2B5Jx0%3D&reserved=0" target="_blank">www.tricare.mil/pointofservice</a></p>
<li>ADSMs require prior authorization for all outpatient specialty care services.</li>
<li>ADFMs require prior authorization for all inpatient and outpatient specialty care services. ADFMs do not require prior authorization for outpatient mental health care visits or psychotherapy. Exceptions may apply. Visit <a href="http://www.tricare.mil/coveredservices" target="_blank">www.tricare.mil/coveredservices</a> for more information.</li>
<p><u>TRICARE Select Beneficiaries:</u></p>
<p>TRICARE Select beneficiaries do not require a prior authorization for most inpatient and outpatient services. Expect to pay the full cost of care up front and file a claim for reimbursement. Specific cost-shares and deductible information for TRICARE Select beneficiaries can be found online at <a href="https://usg02.safelinks.protection.office365.us/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tricare.mil%2Fcosts&data=04%7C01%7C%7C7adf57a10ef3430daa0008d9661d7e74%7Cf538b4d389b14457912d97c9c02e4841%7C0%7C0%7C637653099134478333%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=8n8tEOktfmBC1alJ%2B8g%2F5UZa9wBfxegaNAOTmCt5P9Q%3D&reserved=0" target="_blank">www.tricare.mil/costs</a></p>
<p>{fontsize=10:*Note: This list is not all-inclusive, and each overseas area may have additional prior authorization requirements. Contact your}{fontsize=10: <a href="https://tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries#contact" target="_blank">TOP Regional Call Center</a>} {fontsize=10:to learn about requirements in your area, as they may change periodically.}</p>
Search Tips and Guidelines
<p>This Provider Search tool is available for TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) beneficiaries to find TOP Network Providers in TOP Prime and TOP Prime Remote locations.</p>
<p>The search tool includes both individual providers and institutional (hospital or clinic) providers in over 200 countries and territories, where TOP beneficiaries are enrolled to receive medical care.</p>
<p>Below are detailed instructions for each required field, which should be used when searching the Provider Search Tool to ensure the best possible results:</p>
<p><b><u>{fontweight=500:Choose A TRICARE Location (Distance based on TRICARE Location)}</u></b></p>
<li>Select the TRICARE Overseas Region to which you are enrolled:
<li>TRICARE Latin America & Canada: Canada, the Caribbean Basin, Central and South America, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.</li>
<li>TRICARE Eurasia-Africa: Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.</li>
<li>TRICARE Pacific: Asia, Guam, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and Western Pacific Remote Countries.</li>
<li>Select the country in which you are located and seeking medical care</li>
<li>Select the MTF or TOP Prime Remote Location in which you are located and seeking medical care</li>
<li>Decide the Radius (Distance from Location) 5, 10, 25, Any kilometers (km) or miles (m)</li>
<p>Note: All Providers who support the TRICARE Location chosen will be returned under Radius: Any</p>
<p><b><u>{fontweight=500:Enter Your Location (Distance Based on Location Entered)}</u></b></p>
<li>Enter a minimum of Country and City (Your location will be estimated using Google Geocoding Service)</li>
<li>Decide the Radius (Distance from Location) 5, 10, 25, 100 kilometers (km) or miles (m)</li>
<p>Note: The maximum distance to return Providers (for Enter Your Location) is 100 kilometers or 100 miles</p>
<p><b><u>{fontweight=500:You can filter your search results using the following criteria:}</u></b></p>
<li>Specialty: Select one filter at a time to refine your search results, or select more than one filter if you want to expand your search results</li>
<li>Provider Type: Institutional (facility), Professional (person), or Both</li>
<li>Gender: This filter will automatically choose the Professional (person) Providers if one option is selected</li>
<li>Radius from Location: Distance from Location (“km” stands for kilometers, “m” stands for miles)</li>
<li>Provider Name: Enter the full provider name or any part of the provider name</li>
<p><b><u>{fontweight=500:You can sort your search results by the following criteria:}</u></b></p>
<li>Nearest Providers</li>
<li>Provider Name (Alphabetically)</li>
<p>For assistance finding a Provider in your country, contact your {sametab;contentlink=/contact-us:TOP Regional Call Center} and listen carefully to the prompts.</p>
Beneficiaries can log in to view the status of current claims, payment information, explanation of benefits and more.
<p>As the TOP Contractor, International SOS keeps you informed with the most up-to-date, relevant information pertaining to the delivery of quality care on behalf of TOP beneficiaries, including information about TRICARE policy requirements, procedural and policy guidelines, claims submission, care delivery nuances, and more. Please visit the following webpages for TOP provider education materials:</p>