<p>There are two provider types in the Philippines:</p>
<li>Philippine Preferred Provider Network (PPN) Providers</li>
<li>Certified Providers</li>
<p>The Philippine Preferred Provider Network (PPN) is available to all TRICARE eligible beneficiaries, whether they are TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, or TRICARE for Life (TFL). These beneficiaries are encouraged to see a Philippine Preferred Provider, as out-of-pocket costs will be lower. Referrals for routine, urgent, specialty or preventive care are not required, but some services require prior authorization. </p>
<p>TRICARE beneficiaries who travel to the Philippines and seek urgent/emergent care will be able to get care from any Preferred Provider or Certified Provider, but out-of-pocket costs may be higher if care is received from non-PPN Providers.</p>
<p>{fontweight=500:Note:} Pharmacy, dental, and Philippine Red Cross blood processing services are not included in the Philippine Preferred Provider Network. For these services, beneficiaries should continue to select Philippine Certified Providers from this search tool. </p>
<p>Reimbursement of pharmaceuticals in the Philippines will only be cost-shared when purchased at a TRICARE certified licensed retail pharmacy or TRICARE certified hospital-based pharmacy. Pharmaceuticals purchased from and/or billed by your healthcare provider’s office will no longer be cost-shared by TRICARE.</p>
<p>For more information about getting care in the Philippines, including TRICARE Select Overseas in the Philippines, the Philippine PPN, and other useful resources, <a href="https://tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries/philippines" target="_blank">click here.</a></p>
Search Help
<p><u>{fontweight=500:Province:}</u> When you select a Province from the drop down selection only the Cities that are associated to the Province will be displayed in the City Field.</p>
<p><u>{fontweight=500:City:}</u> If the Province is selected only the Cities that are associated to the Province will be displayed. If the Province is not selected then all available Cities will be displayed.</p>
<p><u>{fontweight=500:Specialty:}</u> By Default “All” Specialties are included in the search but the search criteria can be filtered by selecting a specific Specialty from the drop down list.</p>
<p><u>{fontweight=500:Provider Name:}</u> for this field the Wildcard Search is assumed. A wildcard character is a special character that represents one or more other characters. For example, in searching for “MEMORIAL HOSPITAL” appropriate results could be “Memorial Regional Hospital” or “Memorial Hospital West”.</p>
<p><u>{fontweight=500:Status:}</u> The default search will include Certified/Preferred Providers but you also have the option of searching Preferred Providers Only.</p>
<p><u>{fontweight=500:Include Providers Not Used in More Than Two Years:}</u> By default, Certified Providers that have not been used in the past 24 months are not included in the search results. It is possible to include these providers by simply checking this box.</p>
<p>If there are any questions, please contact <a href="mailto:support@GLOBAL24NS.com" target="_blank">Global 24 Network Services.</a></p>
Quick Links
{contentlink=/beneficiaries/philippines/important-notice-st-lukes-medical-center-global-city-and-quezon-city:Important Notice: St Lukes Medical Center Global City and Quezon City}
{contentlink=/beneficiaries/philippines/important-notice-de-la-salle-university:Important Notice: De La Salle University}
{contentlink=/beneficiaries/philippines/important-notice-makati-medical-center:Important Notice: Makati Medical Center}
<h4>{color=#033787:Philippine Provider Disclaimer}</h4>
<p>{notice;fontweight=500:<strong><em>**Important Notice: James L. Gordon Memorial Hospital – Outpatient and Inpatient Hospital Services**</em></strong>}</p>
<p>{notice:<em>Please be advised that until further notice, all outpatient and inpatient hospital care at James L. Gordon Memorial Hospital in Olongapo City, Subic, Philippines will not be cost-shared by the TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP), as </em><strong><em>this facility is currently reviewing agreed standards and responsibilities with International SOS Government Services, Inc., the TOP Contractor.</em></strong><em> As a result, TOP beneficiaries interested in receiving medical care from James L. Gordon Memorial Hospital will be required to pay upfront. To find other Certified/Preferred Providers in the Philippines near you, please use the </em><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries/philippines/philippine-provider-search__;!!LMhewFfBWZ5W!JxxO5-VUFC-vwFBJy8H8HD6wPdolr-hXd6ZnwyooV14h0d8De3OnmKguXdRb7L4YweNQ2UB0jfq7NrezWX9ps5uOmWx77UjfWrNb44RABg$" target="_blank"><em>Philippine Provider Search Tool</em></a><em>. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the </em><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.tricare-overseas.com/beneficiaries/philippines__;!!LMhewFfBWZ5W!JxxO5-VUFC-vwFBJy8H8HD6wPdolr-hXd6ZnwyooV14h0d8De3OnmKguXdRb7L4YweNQ2UB0jfq7NrezWX9ps5uOmWx77UjfWrMSR3GyIQ$" target="_blank"><em>Global 24 Network Services Team</em></a><em>: </em>}</p>
<li>{notice: <em>Phone Number: +632-8687-8656 </em>}</li>
<li>{notice: <em>Philippines Toll-Free Phone Number: +1-800-10-4562324 </em>}</li>
<li>{notice: <em>Email: </em><a href="mailto:Support@GLOBAL24NS.com" target="_blank"><em>Support@GLOBAL24NS.com</em></a><em> </em>}</li>
<p><em>{color=#f79646;fontweight=500:Please see IMPORTANT NOTICES under the Quick Links menu (left) for the latest provider updates.}</em></p>
<p>To find other Certified/Preferred Providers near you, use the Philippines Provider Search above. If you have any questions or need {fontweight=400;contentlink=/contact-us/asia-pacific/country?tricareregion=pac&country=philippines:assistance}, please contact {marginright=1;fontweight=400;contentlink=/beneficiaries/philippines:Global24 Network Services}.</p>
<p>{marginbottom=0:You may seek care from a non-TRICARE certified provider/institution but this will require the provider to be certified by TRICARE. This may result in significant delays in processing of your claim, or possible denial of the claim if the provider declines certification or cannot be certified.}{nomargin=0:}It is recommended that you seek care from providers who are currently TRICARE certified.</p>
<p>Always check the status of certification for any provider from whom you may seek care, even if that provider has previously appeared in these listings. These listing are frequently updated and some providers/institutions may either:</p>
<li>be removed for unspecified reasons,</li>
<li>request their own removal,</li>
<li>fail to be re-certified or</li>
<li>be removed to an inactive status for not being used by a beneficiary in two years</li>
<p>TRICARE certification DOES NOT mean the provider/institution will file claims on your behalf. Therefore, always contact the provider ahead of time to ask if they will. It’s more common that these providers will require you to pay upfront for any health care services, and then you’ll need to file your own claims with TRICARE for reimbursement.</p>