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How to File a TRICARE Overseas Claim

For information related to TOP Telemedicine claims, click here.

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to successfully file a TRICARE claim for care received overseas:

Online Claims Submission:
** Preferred **
  • Register on the TRICARE Overseas Beneficiary Secure Claims Portal to submit your claims online!
  • Already registered? Click here to login.
  Otherwise, follow the steps below for submitting the Patient’s Request for Medical Payment (DD Form 2642).
STEP #1:
Fill Out the TRICARE Claim Form
STEP #2:
Include a Copy of the Provider’s Bill
  • Attach a readable copy of the provider's bill to the claim form, making sure it contains the following:
    • Sponsor's Social Security Number (SSN) or Department of Defense Benefits Number (DBN) (eligible former spouses should use their SSN)
    • Provider's name and address (if more than one provider's name is on the bill, circle the name of the person who treated you)
    • Date and place of each service
    • Description of each service or supply furnished
    • Charge for each service
    • Diagnosis (if the diagnosis is not on the bill, be sure to complete block 8a on the form)
STEP #3:
Include Proof of Payment Documents
  • The below documents must be included with your completed Patient's Request for Medical Payment (DD Form 2642) and a copy of the provider’s bill:
    • A narrative description of the reason for the medical services received.
    • Proof of payment.
    • Proof of other health insurance (OHI), if applicable. If you have OHI (such as national health insurance), TRICARE is always the last payer. If applicable, include any explanation of benefits (EOB) from your OHI, outlining any payment or denial.
  • Note: Your claim will be rejected if the above documents are not included.
STEP #4:
Submit Your Claim
  • If you need to file a claim for care you received overseas, file the claim with the TOP Claims Processor via one of the following methods:
    • Submit your claim online!
    • Mail your completed claim form to the claims address for the TOP Claims Processor. Note: Use the mailing address for the overseas area where you received care.
      • You can watch helpful claims portal video tutorials to help guide you through the process.
STEP #5:
Check the Status of Your Claim
  • To keep track of your claims online, you’ll need to register on the TRICARE Overseas Secure Beneficiary Claims Portal here.
  • Once registered, you can also:
    • Look up your deductibles and your out-of-pocket expenses.
    • Update your other health insurance information.
    • View your explanation of benefits online.
Useful Tips & Reminders:
  • Click here to access the Beneficiary Claims Submission and Follow-up Information Sheet.
  • Keep a copy of all paperwork for your records.
  • If you need help, contact your TOP Regional Call Center and listen carefully to the prompts for the best option to serve you.